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Core Values

Although there are many components that make a ministry and a calling effective, there are specific keys that we value in our lives:
Presence of God​​ & worship

First and foremost, we desire our lives to be the dwelling place of God's Spirit. The Presence flowing in our services will be a direct and natural outflow of God's Spirit living in us. All ministry should be built around His very presence - preaching, teaching, evangelism, worship, and the like cannot be done effectively apart from His Spirit - for it's all TO Him and FOR Him. His Presence is our delight and we believe it is what will draw the lost to His glory. We make it our Priority, therefore, to allow extended times of worship in our services in order that God's presence may be welcomed freely among us.



God's inerrant word & nature

​In today's culture of shifting standards and morals, the church must have a solid knowledge of God's written word, vibrantly speaking forth His truth from the pulpits, in conversations at the coffee shop, supper table, and water coolers alike. Although we believe prophecy is a beautiful gift operating in the church, we also firmly believe that all prophecy, all words of knowledge, all exhortation, and lessons of truth will be founded upon God's written word. We believe it's not the power of the Spirit OR the word of God: we believe it is both working hand in hand to see the body of Christ growing into the fullness of Him.



Relationships & Community

The church is not about a building, denomination, or creed: the church is God's family. Without healthy relationships, the church suffers. Without a welcoming, loving environment, God's people will never grow into maturity. We believe the church should be a place where believers can openly share their dreams, their heartaches, and their mistakes. We believe it is a place where love is priority, risk is encouraged, and righteousness is cultivated. We were made for relationship with God and with each other; both are key components of building the Kingdom.


Love & Honor

Enough cannot be said on the importance of love and honor. If we are truly following Christ, his love will be evidenced in the way we honor Him and honor others. We believe that this is what the world is crying out to see: a church that is dripping with love and walking in honor, no matter the cost. Through life's trials and blessings, we have learned and are still learning how to give honor to the greatest and to the least. No matter their background, their mistake, or their skills, God loves and honors each person deeply. We desire to reflect His heart on earth, and in so doing, rightly restore the lost, the broken, and the growing into a place of honor.


Authenticity & Integrity

We desire our lives to be ones that are known for integrity & authenticity. This begins with our personal lives - integrity must exist within our private lives, our marriage, our finances, and our free time. Integrity and authenticity are so precious and valuable, especially in a world that has seen many leaders fall into reproach and has experienced a hollow, plastic version of Christianity. We believe our lives must be real - real in love and real in honor, in order to effectively reach the lost and to effectively grow God's people. Our motivations and our lives must be pure before His eyes and before the eye's of one another. 

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